Anand Ekarshi’s debut Malayalam feature film, “Aattam,” is set to make its Asia premiere at the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2023 in the South Asia Focus section, which will be held from October 27 to November 5, 2023. Following this, the film will be screened as the Opening Film of Indian Panorama at the 54th International Film Festival of India. It has also been officially selected for the International Film Festival of Kerala (IFFK) in the Malayalam Cinema section.
The film recently had its World Premiere at the 21st Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles, where it won the Grand Jury Award for Best Film.
“AATTAM” is produced by Joy Movie Productions and was selected as Film Bazaar Recommends in the Viewing Room of NFDC Film Bazaar 2022.
The film’s plot revolves around a theatre group where a crime is committed against the sole actress, Anjali, by one of the twelve men in the group. The film explores the aftermath of this incident as the group convenes to discuss the situation, unraveling stories, suspicions, and emotional turmoil.
The cast includes well-known actors like Zarin Shihab, Vinay Forrt, Kalabhavan Shajohn, and Nandan Unni, along with nine new artists who deliver powerful and unforgettable performances.
Anand Ekarshi, the debut filmmaker and writer-director of “Aattam,” expressed his excitement about the film’s recognition, saying that he is grateful for the opportunity to open the IFFI and be selected at MAMI and IFFK. He acknowledged the support of his producer and the dedication of the cast and crew.
Dr. AJITH JOY, the producer, shared his joy and mentioned that the journey from the world of nuclear medicine to the world of movies has been a great learning experience. He praised the cast and crew, especially Anand, as a promising talent who has a bright future in the industry.
The film’s title, “Aattam,” has two relevant meanings in Malayalam: ‘a play’ and ‘to sway,’ both of which are significant in the context of the film. Anand, having been a theatre actor for over a decade before turning to filmmaking, found it fitting that his debut film is set in the world of theatre, featuring actors he knew from his theater days.
The director also emphasized the importance of dedication and rehearsals in making the film a reality. He credited his producer, Dr. Ajith Joy, for believing in the project and providing the necessary support. The film was made with high production quality, using top-notch equipment.
The film’s core idea revolves around the concept of justice, questioning whether it is an individual’s or a collective value. Anand hopes that “Aattam” transcends barriers and resonates with audiences as intended, inviting them to engage with its thought-provoking themes.